We all know that the best way to burn more calories is by eating less and by exercising more. However, when you’re trying to diet, every calorie burned counts. Because of this, it’s useful to try and find extra ways to burn a few extra calories here and there.
With that in mind, here’s a list of a few everyday activities that can help you burn some extra calories. You should note that these activities won’t burn a ton of calories, but every little bit helps when you’re dieting.
Free Download: 20 Simple Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More ActiveHow To Burn More Calories
Drink Cold Water
Cold water is one of the most underrated dieting aids out there. Not only does it help suppress appetite, but it can actually allow you to burn more calories. Now, the actual act of drinking the water doesn’t burn more calories, but what cold water does is speed up your metabolism. The sped-up metabolism leads to more calories burned.
Make Yourself a Bit Colder
Keeping with the theme of coldness, studies have also consistently shown that exposing yourself to colder temperatures does result in more burned calories. Why exactly? Well, it seems that your body is forced to use more energy to keep itself warm, which requires your body to burn more calories as fuel. This doesn’t mean you should jump head first into the snow naked, but it may be something to consider next time you to go to jack up the heat during the winter.
Go Shopping
Shopping is a surprisingly good activity for burning calories. If you walk around a very big store or a mall for a long time, you burn an incredible number of calories, even if you’re just walking a leisurely pace. So, next time you sit down to binge watch a show or go to do some other hobby, why not take a shopping trip instead? Even if you don’t buy anything, your body will thank you.
Cleaning your house is never fun. In fact, it’s such the opposite of fun, that people actually pay to get their house cleaned. However, cleaning your house can actually be a pretty good way to burn some calories. How many calories exactly? Well, for light cleaning jobs like dusting putting things away, etc., you can burn over 150 calories per hour of cleaning. For tougher cleaning jobs, like scrubbing floors and walls, you can end up burning close to 200 calories per hour.
Take The Stairs
Whenever you can, take the stairs rather than getting in the elevator or using the escalators. Going up the stairs is one of the best ways to burn extra calories. Walking up stairs helps your cardiovascular system and it will help you strengthen and tone your legs including your glutes (your butt).
How To Make Your Lifestyle More Active
Just doing simple things like by parking your car a little further from work or getting off public transport one stop early all make a difference. People are often amazed at how small
To help you burn more calories and leverage new habits into a lifetime of good health and better fitness download my free report 20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active. Once you choose a healthy lifestyle, you’ll never have to worry about dieting again.