Burn Belly Fat

How to Burn Belly Fat Fast

When you have made the decision to finally take action and to get rid of belly fat there burn belly fatare two common mistakes to avoid.

Firstly, one of the things that people do when they want to burn belly fat is drastically cut down on what they eat.

Secondly, they start spending hours and hours on a cardio machine like a treadmill, stair stepper, rowing machine or stationary bike.

But they see little or no results from their efforts?

Why is this?

The first thing to remember when you want to burn belly fat is that the only thing that burns fat in the body is muscle. You need to create larger muscle mass if you want to burn stomach fat.

That is why cardio exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, is not the best exercise if you want to lose weight. Cardio exercise makes your body more efficient and strengthens the muscles involved in respiration, to help the flow of air in and out of the lungs.  Aerobic literally means “living in air” and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during cardio exercise.

Your body gets used to working at a certain level and compensates for that so it doesn’t have to use any more energy than necessary.

But what about eating less? By cutting your food intake, you’re making your body believe that it is being starved and when a body starts thinking that, it will hold on to every calorie you ingest and store it away to stave off the effects of starvation.

Lose Belly Fat Quick

So how do you burn belly fat fast to see the weight loss results that you want?

Interval Training

Interval training is a sequence of high intensity activity followed by low intensity activity in various time intervals. These intervals of high and low make your body, especially your heart, work harder than if you had simply kept the same pace for a set period of time. So, to get better fat burning results on, say a treadmill, forget the session of continuous jogging at the same pace and incline and vary the workout with a combination of fast-walking and jogging at different inclines. This is a much more effective workout routine for your heart and muscles so that they work harder and start to burn more fat.

Weight Resistance

Weight resitence training is the best exercise to burn belly fat. The body needs to build muscle to burn fat because muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest. Men normally have no issue with lifting weights because it leads to bigger muscles. But women often have a problem with this because they don’t look too bulky. But with the correct type of resistance training your body will not bulk up if you don’t want it to. By doing a mixture of resistance training exercises that work your whole body, every muscle in your body is helping you to burn fat

Eat Well and Lose Belly Fat Naturally

You do need to eat while trying to lose weight. Starving yourself will not help. When you cut your calories significantly, your body goes into starvation mode and will hang on to every calorie eaten to stave of hunger and potential harm. But as long as you eat the right foods there is definitely no need to deny yourself of nutritious and tasty foods while trying to lose weight. Avoid packaged foods and processed foods. Just eat good, naturally grown, hormone-free and pesticide-free foods.


If you want to really step it up and discover an entire system that people all over the world are using to burn belly fat, check out the Truth about Six Pack Abs program.

This program is not just about doing abs exercises. It’s about smart training and nutrition strategies that shows you how to lose belly fat so that you can finally see your abs, and bring out eye-catching muscle tone throughout your entire body.

Developed Mike Geary, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer, the Truth about Six Pack Abs program is the #1 ranked abdominals program in the world with over 539,000 readers in 163 countries to date.

The program addresses the MAIN PROBLEM that 99% of people are facing as to why they cannot see their abdominals, and they want advice and tips on how to lose belly fat that is covering them up.

Click Here To Get your FREE download TODAY!

Truth About Abs