6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss is an admirable goal, but it’s also not an easy one. There’s a seemingly endless supply of foods we can’t or shouldn’t eat, and more often than not, it certainly seems to be the ones we want to eat the most.

However, amidst the hunger pains and longing stares at the foods we used to consume and now know we shouldn’t in order to reach our goals, there are actually foods that help you lose weight rather than gain it.

Make sure you’re inputting these 6 foods into your daily diet to quell the temptations, maintain your diet and reach your weight-loss goals!

What Are The Best Foods That Help You Lose Weight?

1.Beans, Lentils, Legumes

Beans are a great source of fiber and protein and can make the perfect substitute for your long-lost carbs of the past. One of the most frustrating aspects of weight loss is the extreme caloric deficit we tend to put on ourselves.

Going from a diet based on bread, rice and pasta to a diet based on all plants is challenging and often leads to relapses and thus frustration. Incorporating beans and lentils, which tend to be calorically dense, helps to offset the diet change process along with adding valuable fiber and protein.

Free Report: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly Fat

2. Avocadoes

Avocadoes have long been touted as the latest superfood and for good reason. They are one of the best sources of good fats, which is a vital macronutrient for the body. In addition, the prevalence of good fats to burn for energy helps to offset the reduction in carbohydrates.

This leads to more fat and weight loss, especially if and when the body is able to switch to burning fat instead of carbs for energy, which is one of the founding principles behind the Ketogenic diet. Avocadoes also pack a nutritional punch with Oleic acid and fiber as well.

3. Salmon

Salmon is the seafood of choice for weight loss as it delivers a powerful punch of lean protein with the additional fat that may accompany a traditional steak or pork meal. Lean protein is a key macronutrient, especially with mitigating hunger as it tends to increase satiety without the additional calories that would be needed to achieve the same state with more traditional carb choices such as bread or rice.

Additionally, it delivers a great source of Omega-3’s which are a key compound we need for heart health.

4. Almonds

Almonds are one of the most useful foods that help you lose weight because of the variety of uses they can deliver and the different nutritional checkboxes they hit. Despite being small, almonds pack a good amount of both lean protein and good fats, delivering the two primary macronutrients needed for our bodies to feel full and burn fat rather than carbohydrates.

They also can provide valuable alternatives to traditional favorites we know aren’t the best for weight loss. For example, simply replacing traditional milk and peanut butter with almond milk and almond butter in our traditional diets could make a significant difference in your nutritional intake with minimal difference on your lifestyle!

5. Grapefruits and Citrus

These tangy fruits, especially grapefruit, have a couple key benefits for weight loss. First, they contain a compound that helps to lower insulin levels, which is a key hormonal response needed to spur weight loss and the corresponding metabolic processes.

Secondly, they contain a large percentage of water, so they are a great food to satisfy a craving to eat and stay hydrated at the same time. They also are very calorically thin. Thus, a large portion can be enjoyed satisfying our sweet or tangy craving with no adverse results.

6. Broccoli, Spinach, Cruciferous Vegetables.

The darker the green, the better it is. The health benefits of leafy, green vegetables have been well documented with benefits ranging from increased mineral density to helping to reduce the chances of cancer in the long term.

These foods also help to speed up our metabolism and deliver a powerful dose of a variety of vitamins and minerals that give us energy and help our body function properly, ranging from fiber to iron to vitamins.

If you’re adverse to vegetables for some reason, as most kids tend to be, then smoothies or shakes with greens supplements mixed in can be another great source of nutrients that taste great as well.

Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat

When trying to lose weight, many people say that it’s belly fat they want to lose the most. But the belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. Are you frustrated because you feel like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not able to shift your belly fat? Maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller.

To learn more, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat and see how you can start getting the results you want.


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