Keto Diet

Following A Keto Diet: Tips And Tricks

You’ve probably heard of the Keto Diet. It’s trending, but is it actually useful? Will we still be hearing about it next year? Well, the facts are that a keto diet aims to keep carbs so low that your body goes into a metabolic state called ketosis.

According to, when in ketosis, your insulin levels plummet, and your body releases large amounts of fatty acids from its fat stores. A lot of these fatty acids are transferred to your liver, which turns them into ketones. Ketones are water-soluble molecules that can cross the blood-brain barrier and supply energy to your brain.

Basically, when your body is in ketosis, it relies on ketones for energy rather than carbs. This does wonders for weight loss.

So how do you follow a keto diet and what are some tips?

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A Beginner’s Guide To Following A Keto Diet

Good Foods for Keto

The key to any diet is choosing foods you enjoy. Keto allows you to eat meats, eggs, vegetables, nuts, and fruits. Avocados are a popular choice as well as salmon. If you don’t like those, then look into low-calorie keto recipes.

Clues You are in Ketosis

fruits for weight loss

Appetite suppression, increased energy levels, weight loss are all signs that your body has achieved ketosis, according to Some negative side effects might be bad breath, a short-term decrease in performance and insomnia, but these balance out after a week or two. After that you’re likely to see an increase in performance and sleep quality.

Acetone breath analyzers can be another great way to monitor the amount of ketones produced in your body. Acetone is one of three main ketones in your body, so if your acetone levels are high, you’re on the right track! Unfortunately, acetone is also what causes your breath to get bad. Make sure to carry breath mints and brush your teeth often!

Coconut Oil

Adding coconut oil to your diet can get you into ketosis faster. This is because coconut oil has medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are rapidly absorbed and taken directly to your liver for immediate ketone production. Coconut oil is also a great, natural replacement for some of the more synthetic oils on the market which include unhealthy fats. Add coconut oil to your diet slowly. Use a teaspoon in your grilling or baking endeavors.

Get Physical

Your body needs energy when it works out. When you ramp up your physical activity, your body burns through its energy storehouses and has to consider other options if carbs run out. For this reason, your body will achieve ketosis quicker. When your body needs energy fast, it gets creative.

This also might explain why people new to the diet experience fatigue. Your body is used to using carbs, so it’ll take a little while to get good at using ketones. So, in the meantime you may have low energy and a decreased performance. Stay patient and don’t push yourself too hard.

Your Custom Plan For Following A Keto Diet

The keto diet provides many health benefits. This diet can not only help you quickly lose weight, but can also improve your overall health and help prevent disease. You can start right now on your journey to a lean and healthy body. This 100%-made-for-you keto meal plan is designed to help you lose fat, boost energy levels, and improve health. You’ll learn what to eat every day to reach your goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way. All the “heavy lifting” is done for you —from determining your calorie and macro intake, to setting up your meal plan, to outlining meal prep instructions, and more. All you have to do is follow your “paint-by-the-numbers” instructions and reap the rewards.