Calories And Carbs

How To Pick Yourself Up After Falling Off Your Diet

No matter how motivated and dedicated you are, chances are good that you’ll find yourself falling off your diet at one point or another. It may be because you had a rough day at work and fell back into the old trap of making yourself feel better with food.

It could be that you were invited to a friend’s house and she served some delicious homemade cake. Or maybe you “took a break” during a holiday to indulge a bit in all your favorite treats.

Perhaps you got sick and needed some comfort food to make you feel better. There are hundreds of reasons why we get off track of our goals. Let’s accept that it’s going to happen. No need to beat yourself up about it. What’s important is what you do next.

How are you going to get back on track and keep this cheat meal or that indulgence day from turning into days and weeks of eating junk food, undoing all the hard work you’ve put in so far?

Free Report: How To Stick To Your Fitness Resolutions

4 Steps To Getting Back On Track After Falling Off Your Diet

1. Forgive Yourself

falling off your diet

First and foremost, there’s no sense in beating yourself up. What’s done is done. Forgive yourself and vow to do better in the future.

Without forgiveness, you’ll beat yourself up for “failing” instead of just taking the next step forward. That’s all you need to do to be successful. Just keep on moving forward!

2. Flush Out The “Bad” Stuff

Many convenience foods and sugar, in particular, can be quite addictive, making it hard to get back on track. It helps to eat very clean for at least a day and drink as much water and herbal tea as possible to flush out the “bad” stuff. It makes it easier to get right back on track and stick to your meal plans. Whole foods, homemade foods and things that come from nature are always better choices than anything from a box.

3. Recognize Triggers

After you’ve gotten back on track, take a look back and see if you can figure out why you slipped up. What caused you to reach for that tub of ice cream or why did you cave into eating that pizza after having the best intentions of sticking to a grilled chicken salad? Emotional triggers are huge saboteurs of an otherwise healthy eating plan. Recognizing what’s causing you to give in will help you avoid falling off your diet in the future.

4. Make A Plan To Avoid Future Slip Ups

Speaking of which, come up with some scenarios on what you can do next time to stay on plan.

For example, if you were meeting friends for dinner and ended up ordering the pizza or burger because you were just too hungry to consider getting the salad, have a snack before you leave the house. If you’re so busy that it was easier to pull through a fast-food drive-through then think about planning ahead a little better. If you had a bad day and found yourself reaching for the pint of Chunky Monkey in your freezer then consider not even bringing it into the house.

How To Stick To Achievable Weight Loss Goals

Making a resolution, a promise to ourselves, that we’re going to do something different than we have done in the past can be a challenge. Statistics show that by the end of the first week of setting a goal, 25% of people have given up and gone back to their pre-resolution ways. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Download my free report, How To Stick With Your Fitness Resolutions to see how you can easily create achievable weight loss goals.

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