We all know the importance of regular exercise, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. Yet, wanting to exercise and actually doing it are two completely different things.
Common excuses are that you don’t have the time or you don’t have the energy. So, you keep telling yourself you’ll start tomorrow, the next, then the day after that. But then, suddenly, a whole month has gone by, and you have nothing to show for it!
Below are 10 top tips to get you motivated and excited about working out and incorporating exercise into your weight loss plan.
Free Download: 6 of the Best Exercises for Fat LossHow To Get Exercise Into Your Weight Loss Plan
1. Try Using ‘Implementation Intention’
By definition, a habit is something you do over and over again. Yet, to start a routine, you have to find a way to make it easy and convenient.
It’s a lot like teaching kids to brush their teeth. Parents give rewards, sing songs, and make a big deal about something we now think of as ordinary. Yet, to the kids, it’s something still new that they have to get used to.
Case in point, if you can find a way to make exercising easier to do each day, then you’ll have no problem making it a necessary part of your weight loss plan.
One way to do this is the ‘if-the’ method, or ‘implementation intentions.’ Basically, this is where you write down a situation that becomes a trigger for your actions.
Here are a few examples to get you inspired:
- “If the weather is nice in the morning, I’ll walk to work.”
- “If I take a lunch break at 12, I’ll use the stairs.”
- “If my favorite TV show is on at 7, I’ll do 100 jumping jacks.”
- “If I can make it a whole day without eating junk food, I’ll treat myself to some fro-yo.”
2. Focus on Building a Habit
This probably sounds foreign to many people, but it actually gets results. Instead of saying, “I want to lose 5 pounds in the next month,” why not say, “I’m going to focus on not missing a workout in the first six weeks of exercising.”
First, start by establishing that exercise is a normal part of your life, like brushing your teeth and checking your social media accounts. Then, you can begin to build a routine that gets exercise into your weight loss plan so you can achieve the results you’re looking for.
3. Start with Something Easy
This is an effortless way to combat excuses when it comes to exercising. Start with a mini-workout that will only take 5 or 10 minutes.
One simple method you can try is the 2-minute rule. For example, do squats while watching your favorite TV program or crunches as you listen to a podcast.
Then, take it up a notch and take a walk around the block. If the weather is bad, go up and down the stairs a couple of times or do jumping jacks for 5 minutes. Do this daily for a week or two, and you’ll soon notice your body has adapted to the workout. For example, you don’t feel as tired or out of breath as you did on day 1.
Add 10 minutes each week until you can get through a whole 30-minute workout in one piece.
4. Forget the ‘All or Nothing’ Approach
Life isn’t made to be solid and structured all the time, especially with exercise and weight loss. Instead, it’s meant to be lived with its successes and setbacks.
So what if you got to the gym 10 minutes late for aerobics class? Knock, apologize, and quickly get into the groove.
How about when you have a long day at work? Then, you go home and glimpse that delectable box of chocolate chip cookies sitting on the counter, calling out to you. It’s not the end of the world to eat a cookie or two. Then, the next day, focus on making healthier choices and add 10 minutes to your workout.
Remember, it’s about each individual choice you make throughout the day. You don’t have to wait for the next day to start fresh. You can start right now!
5. Set SMART Goals
Health experts swear by the types of goals that motivate you to change your behavior for the better without wearing you out physically or mentally. They refer to these goals as SMART. OR Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Out of these five, the one you should focus on always is ‘attainable.’ You’re not competing with anyone, so why put added pressure on yourself?
Are you doing the work but still falling a bit short? Then, maybe you should revisit the goal you’ve set for yourself. It could be that the problem is that the goal itself isn’t suitable for you at this time.
Free Download: 6 of the Best Exercises for Fat Loss6. Make it Harder to Skip a Workout
Do you know the saying: ‘Out of sight, out of mind? Well, it’s the same way with exercise gear and equipment.
By keeping your workout sneakers, wardrobe, and equipment close at hand, you’ll be forced to make a conscious decision not to exercise, which is much harder than it looks.
Plus, when you decide wholeheartedly that you won’t be working out today, you have to hold yourself accountable for your decision. Based on experience, it’s much easier to put in a few minutes of exercise rather than endure the guilt.
Here are a few ideas to help you keep your exercise gear in sight:
- Put your workout gear in a gym bag and put it on the couch or near the door
- Wear your workout clothes before you leave your workplace
- Sleep in your workout wardrobe
- Pack a bag that includes your sneakers, exercise gear, and headphones, and leave it in your car
7. Switch Up Your Routine
Science shows that our bodies get used to workout routines and activities. So, if you’ve been spending a whole week running the treadmill, but you don’t see any change, then it’s time to switch it up.
Find something you enjoy doing. It could be kickboxing, yoga, or swimming. Whatever it is, think about what your body needs at this particular stage of your life, then give it a try for four weeks.
After that month, if you want to make a change, go for it! The point is to keep moving and consume fewer calories than you burn.
8. Show Yourself Some Compassion
Practice being kind to yourself. It’s not often our go-to response because we constantly beat ourselves up.
It could be that today you didn’t hit the target goal, or you’ve convinced yourself that you have no willpower. Yet, all that does is demotivate you, crush your spirit, and destroy your self-esteem.
Studies show that self-compassion increases the chances of your success. So, whatever you’re doing in life, being kind to yourself can help you achieve more and be better. So, learn to look past your mistakes. Take your mistakes and unhealthy choices as a chance to learn and grow.
Most importantly, no one expects you to be perfect, and neither should you.
9. Reward Yourself
Ask anyone who has been exercising for years now, and they’ll tell you that the rewards they reap from their workouts are sleeping better, having more energy, and better health overall.
Yet, when you’re just starting, these rewards don’t seem as obvious, especially when you’re also working on losing weight.
So, you have to find other ways to reward yourself after each workout. This immediate gratification registers in your brain as a good thing. As a result, you’ll look forward to your next exercise session rather than dread it.
10. Make Exercise a Social Event
The best thing about exercise is that there’s a limitless array of options just waiting for you to choose from. You can even think outside the gym or a more exciting workout alternative.
For example, do you like working out with others in a social setting but don’t like the rivalry? Then, why not join a water aerobics class or maybe take up salsa dancing? On the other hand, if you feel that some healthy competition will motivate you, try a pair or team sport, like tennis or basketball. You could even join any number of sports teams or adult leagues at your gym or local youth center.
Free Download: 6 Best Exercises For Fat Loss
When you exercise two factors will affect the number of calories you burn. There is the intensity, or the rate at which you exercise, and the type of exercise itself. High-intensity exercises will help you burn more calories, lose weight and increase your fitness level.
It’s important that you research the proper way to complete these exercises to ensure you are performing them correctly to avoid injury and to gain the most satisfaction from your hard work. To learn more about high-intensity training, download my free report 6 Best Exercises for Fat Loss, and discover more about this powerful and effective method to get exercise into your weight loss plan.
With these exercises, along with a healthy diet, you’ll be losing weight in no time. You will notice improved energy levels, improved moods, weight loss, a healthier heart, and an increase in muscle mass and strength.