You don’t need to overcomplicate things by getting clever with your training and diet. If you want to burn more fat, lose weight, and get healthy, then the secret is simplicity.
It’s time to get simple with your exercise program.
After all, one of the biggest reasons people hit the gym is to burn fat. That’s difficult to do when you don’t enjoy exercising and aren’t seeing results. It’s important to know how best to burn fat so that you’re getting the most out of your exercise sessions. So, let’s take a look at the most effective exercises that burn the most fat.
Few words instill fear as quickly and efficiently as burpee. They’re tough, but they’re highly effective. Burpees are going to burn fat, all while working your core, legs, and upper body. The reason it strikes fear in the hearts of well, everyone, is because it’s so tough. Let’s be honest, if it’s worth doing, then it’s probably going to be tough.
So, this is how to tackle burpees.
You’re going to want to stand up straight and then lower yourself to the floor into a squat. Your hands should reach the floor in front of you as you lower into the squat. Kick back into a push-up position, and then bounce back up to resume the squat. Now, jump as high as possible before returning to the squat. Repeat ten times. The reason it burns fat so efficiently is because of the all-over areas it works. It’s going to hurt, but it will be worth it.
Jumping Jacks
This is a classic and it’s easy enough to be welcome, but challenging enough to work. It might make you think of your childhood, but jumping jacks are for everyone. The beauty of jumping jacks is that it requires your whole body, with everything involved it makes perfect sense to think it will boost your calorie burn.
So, to complete your jumping jacks… stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Your arms should be at your side. As you jump your arms should rise and your legs should separate widely. Your arms should be fully above your head (in a clap) as your feet land. Repeat. How many jumping jacks you complete is up to you and may depend on your overall exercise regimen. However, 50 at a time is a good start.
Mountain Climbers
You could go join the line to climb Everest or, you can just tackle mountain climbers. This full-body exercise is a fat burner’s dream. You begin in the plank position, with your hands beneath your chest. Lift one foot and pull your knee into your chest. Now do the same with the opposite leg. Repeat ten times.
Jumping Squats
Wide jumping squats target your lower back, calves, hamstrings, and glutes. It’s an excellent exercise for burning fat and toning muscle.
Stand with your feet apart (they should be wider than your shoulders). Your weight should be on your heels and your knees should never go beyond your toes. Squat and then jump as you return to heigh. When you land, do so in your starting squat position. Repeat ten times.
6 More Exercises That Burn The Most Fat
You can cycle through the four exercises above and take each in turn. For example, you can start with 10 burpees and 50 jumping jacks before slipping into 10 mountain climbers and 10 jumping squats. You can then repeat this a few times for the complete workout. You don’t have to do it in that order or those specific counts, but it’s a great place to get started.
When you exercise there are two factors that will affect the number of calories you burn. There are the intensity, or the rate at which you exercise, and the type of exercise itself. For example, some cardio and weight training exercises burn more calories than others. To discover more exercise that burn the most fat, download my free report 6 of The Best Types of Exercise for Fat Loss.

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