Improve Your Sleep

The Connection Between Exercise and Quality Sleep

The connection between exercise and quality sleep has been proven in multiple studies to be very closely related.

According to the Sleep Foundation, working out regularly can help you to maintain a healthy weight, combat heart disease, and improve your mood. It’s important to understand the connection that exercise has to your sleep so that you’re more aware of what you’re doing to improve your overall health and continue these habits throughout your life.

If you can incorporate just a couple of things into your daily or weekly routines, you’ll find yourself sleeping better in no time. You’ll also find that you have more energy to do more throughout the day, leading you to be more productive and being able to accomplish more than you may have been before.

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Why Exercise and Quality Sleep Go Together

The Connection Between Exercise and Quality Sleep

Regular exercise in either the morning or the afternoon can help you sleep better at night by burning the energy and extra calories you consume throughout the day.

Your body will feel tired, and when bedtime comes around, you’ll be ready to fall asleep once you hit the pillow. You’ll find yourself in a deeper sleep than you may have before and you’ll feel even more rested.

Watch Out for Caffine

You will feel ready to start the day, and you may also find yourself hitting the snooze button a lot less, if at all. Those who get adequate sleep and exercise also find themselves less tired during the day and consume less caffeine just to get them through the workday.

It’s important that if you consume caffeine throughout the workday, keep in mind that the lifespan of caffeine in your body can be up to 9 hours. Avoid drinking caffeine less than 8 hours before your bedtime to ensure all of the caffeine is out of your system as it can influence your ability to fall or stay asleep throughout the night.

Sweat and Sleep

When you regularly work out, the Sleep Foundation recommends that you complete at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every week. It’s said that the more you sweat, the better you’ll sleep at night because all the toxins from your body are being expelled. Thirty-minute workouts, five times a week or even ten-minute workouts each day can greatly improve your sleep.

Many people also take advantage of saunas when available because these will help you sweat out even more toxins. The more you cleanse your body, the better your sleep quality will become. Your body will have to work less trying to recover from the toxins that it may be holding allowing more of your body to really relax and allow you to get that good night’s sleep.

The Best Time to Exercise

Believe it or not, there are right times to exercise. To get the most out of your exercise-sleep duo, it’s recommended that you exercise in the morning or in the afternoon rather than in the evening.

Working out in the morning will allow you to get your day started and leave you unwinding at a good time in the evening to be ready for bed when the time comes around. Working out in the afternoon will allow your heart rate and temperature to rise just before you get home and relax from the evening.

When you work out in the evening, you could run the risk of not falling asleep when needed due to your increased heart rate. Other factors include supplements and pre-workouts that many people take to increase their workout benefits. These are a couple of things to think about when you’re planning a workout schedule into your weekly routine.

Free Download: 11 Relaxation Techniques To Help You Sleep

Exercise and quality sleep is needed for the body because it helps you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you’re struggling to get enough sleep and you constantly feel tired, you’ll also have less energy to exercise and could be more prone to craving junk food and gaining weight. If you’re concerned about your health, fitness, and quality of life, it’s best to get enough quality sleep.  Download the free report, 11 Relaxation Techniques To Help You Sleep to enable you to get to sleep quicker, and stay asleep, so you wake up fully refreshed.

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