5 Tips For A Diet Not Working
According to statistics, 90% of diets end in failure while 80% of New Year’s resolutions to lose weight fail by the second week of February.
So why is your diet not working? The common thing among individuals who become part of these unflattering statistics is that they all jump into dieting and exercising for weight loss with high expectations that are nearly impossible to follow through.
Therefore, if you’re serious about wanting to lose weight, it’s essential that you formulate a weight loss plan that is reasonable for you. Here are 5 simple tips that will help you go from a diet not working to a diet that gets results you want.
Diet Not Working? Follow These 5 Tips.
1. Find Out Your Ideal Body Weight
Everyone has an ideal body weight in which the body can stay healthy and function at its best. So, the first thing you should do before embarking on a weight loss journey is to figure out your ideal body weight.

While there are more accurate ways of determining your ideal body weight such as going for a body composition scan, a more easier and cheaper way is using an online BMI (Basal Metabolic Index) calculator or applying the simple formula of “100 pounds for the first 5 ft + 5 pounds for every inch above that”. Knowing your ideal body weight gives you an idea of how much weight your body can safely shed thereby enabling you to set a realistic weight loss goal.
2. Be Specific About Your Goals
One of the biggest reasons for a diet not working is that people generalize their weight loss goals. For instance, one person may start a diet and workout plan on the basis of simply losing weight or reaching their ideal body weight. Another may develop a weight loss regime with the intent of getting back to his or her college weight.
Such vague goals are usually difficult to follow through, as weight loss is a lengthy journey that happens in stages. Therefore, you should instead set a more specific goal such as dropping 50 or 100 pounds or a third of the amount required to reach your ideal body weight. A specific goal gives you something to work toward and therefore increases your chances of sticking to your weight loss plan.
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3. Set Reasonable Time-frames
The hard truth about losing weight is that it’s no easy task. You will need unwavering commitment, a good plan, and time if you are serious about losing weight. This is where setting reasonable time-frames for your weight loss goal comes in.
Break down your ultimate weight target into smaller mini-goals that are possible to achieve. For example, a goal of losing 50 pounds can be broken down into mini-goals of shedding 2 pounds every week. Setting mini-goals makes a colossal weight loss goal such as losing 50 pounds more achievable. What’s more, it gives you the pleasure of enjoying little victories that will help keep you fully motivated as you inch closer and closer to your targeted weight loss goal.
4. Move More
Simply start moving more. The major reason for a diet not working is that you’re not burning more calories than you consume. So, find simple ways of moving more. Increase the frequency of your workouts. Walk more whenever you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further from the office, engage in simple exercises while watching TV, and so on.
The more you move, the more calories you will burn, and the leaner you will become. What’s more, physical activity boosts mood and can therefore act as a great motivation booster.
5. Switch Up Your Workouts
Another reason for a diet not working is being stuck in a rut. Doing the same exercise over and over will see your body adapt to the routine and eventually stop responding to workouts. To get out of such a situation, switch up your workouts. Increase the intensity of your workouts. Introduce new and fun routines to your workouts, or do more of weight lifting and strengthening exercises. Any change is good as it will challenge your body and therefore prompt it to continue losing fat.
Calorie Counting Made Easy!
Weight loss is one of the the most common fitness goal that ends in failure. Studies show that as much as two thirds of weight loss dieters end up heavier than when they started out while a staggering 95% of weight loss plans fail. To stop this happening to you, take a hard look at your diet and workout plan as well as your calorie-tracking system to ensure everything is on the right track. The easiest way to monitor it is with an app like My Food Diary.
This highly-acclaimed food database contains over 100,000 foods to improve your diet beyond just counting calories. Plus the exercise log can calculate calories burned for over 700 activities to help you go from a diet not working to a diet that gets the results you want.
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