Losing weight is something that almost everyone would like to do, but most people find the topic intimidating, or aren’t sure where to start.
The first thing to remember is that diets don’t work. Once you stop a diet, you’ll likely put back on all the pounds you lost, sometimes even more. If you want to lose weight, you have to modify your eating plan and lifestyle. The steps you take must be permanent ones, or the pounds will creep back on. Here are 6 tips that can help you cut the pounds on your body and reach your weight loss goal.
Free Report: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly Fat6 Tips To Help You Cut The Pounds On Your Body
You can have the healthiest diet in the world, but if you eat more calories than you can burn in a day, you won’t see any results. On the same note, you can eat high-caloric foods in moderation and achieve some positive results.
Diet is one of those things that takes a lot of time and discipline to stay on top of, but it’s also a necessity if you want to see any improvement in your physical fitness and achieve permanent weight loss results.
1. Check Food Labels
If you’re trying to lose weight, be sure to check all food labels. Certain things should be avoided. You should try to avoid eating items that have more than 4grams of sugar per serving. By knowing what is in the food that you’re eating, you’ll be able to tell what items are healthier than others.
2. Watch Your Carbohydrate Intake
To increase your chances of successfully losing weight, watch your carbohydrate intake as carefully as you watch your caloric intake. Simple carbohydrates (like sugar, desserts, pastries, candy and cookies) are broken down quickly and deliver no nutrition, just energy. Complex carbohydrates (like broccoli, spinach, beans, asparagus and whole grain breads) deliver lots of nutrients and minerals, as well as energy. Some people aren’t aware that eating an excess of simple carbohydrates can easily cause weight gain. Additionally, foods that contain a lot of simple carbohydrates, such as pasta and bread, can leave you feeling bloated.
3. Portion Sizes Matter
Some of the most basic advice about weight loss is some of the oldest: watch your portions. For example, restaurants would have you believe that a steak should be the size of your head. However, a reasonable portion of meat would actually be the size of a deck of cards, or about as big as the palm of your hand. A good rule of thumb is to never eat a snack out of the bag, box or carton that your food came in. This is a recipe for disaster as you’re extremely prone to overindulging and eating too much. Measure out one serving size and then eat it.
4. Take It Slow
Lose weight slowly, particularly when you have a lot of weight to lose. Losing weight fast can seem like the best way to get what you want quickly. However, if you go down this route, you may soon find that you have a lack of essential nutrition (with resultant health issues), a slower metabolism, and sagging skin. It’s far more sensible to aim to lose a pound a week.
5. Have a Goal
When dieting or trying to lose weight, setting goals is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Before starting any weight loss journey, write down your starting weight and at the end of each week, weigh yourself. Every time you lose weight, you’ll gain confidence. If a week ever goes badly and you gain weight, you’ll know and you can think of ways to fix what went wrong.
Having a goal outfit can help keep you motivated when you are trying to lose weight. Having a motivator that you can see and feel can give you that extra bit of encouragement when you are starting to lose hope. Try the outfit on at regular intervals, but make sure you have given yourself enough time in between fittings to actually see a difference.
6. Know Your Fat Burning Zone
Are you trying to maximize your cardiovascular exercise routines to lose weight? Consider purchasing a heart rate monitor! A heart rate monitor enables you to be more in tune with your body “to monitor your fat burning zone“ so that you can make your workout more effective while you burn more calories!
Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat
When trying to lose weight, many people say that it’s belly fat they want to lose the most. But the belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. Are you frustrated because you feel like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not able to shift your belly fat? Maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller. To learn more, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat and see how you can cut the pounds on your body and start getting the results you want.