If you’re struggling to lose weight, it’s essential to understand that underlying factors may be at play.
In many cases, calorie counting isn’t working because people are making common mistakes. Thankfully, you’re not helpless here. Instead, you can take action to fix these mistakes so you can reach your weight loss goals.
Free Download: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly Fat6 Crucial Errors You may be Making When Calorie Counting
If you’re trying to lose weight and not seeing results, it may be because you’re making one, or more, of these common mistakes. Always be honest with yourself about your intake, adjust for activity level, focus on the big picture, and be consistent.
With a little effort, you can reach your weight loss goals.
1. You’re Not Honest About Your Intake
One of the most common mistakes is not being honest about what you’re eating and drinking.
Dishonesty about what you are eating happens for several reasons, from underestimating portion sizes to forgetting to track specific items. This inaccurate accounting can be just as problematic as not tracking at all since it can lead to consuming more calories than you realize.
To fix this, be as honest as possible when tracking your intake and calorie counting. This means being precise with portion sizes and not forgetting to track items. If you’re unsure about something, it’s better to err on the side of caution and overestimate rather than underestimate.
2. You’re Not Adjusting for Activity Level
Your activity level significantly impacts the number of calories you need to consume each day.
If you’re not accounting for this, it’s likely that you’re eating too much or too little. In addition, not being mindful of your activity level will make it difficult to lose or maintain weight.
To fix this, make sure you adjust your calorie intake based on how active you are. If you’re more active, you’ll need to consume more calories. Conversely, you’ll need to consume fewer calories if you’re less active. For example, if you have a sedentary job and don’t work out, you’ll need to eat fewer calories compared to a person who has an active job and/or someone who works out regularly.
3. You’re Not Looking at the Big Picture
If you want to lose weight for health, it’s important to focus on the big picture.
This means looking at your overall diet and lifestyle rather than just individual meals or snacks. If you are tracking your diet and you discover that you are eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. It takes time to lose weight.
4. You’re Not Eating Enough
If you’re not eating enough, it can be difficult to lose weight.
This is because your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto fat stores. To fix this, make sure you’re eating enough to meet your energy needs. Try to eat a minimum of 1,200 calories per day.
If you think you may be undereating, talk to a registered dietitian or other healthcare professional. Educated folks can help you determine how many calories you need to consume based on your individual needs.
5. You’re Not Being Consistent
Weight loss is a lifetime journey, not a sprint.
In order to see results, it’s vital to be consistent with your diet and exercise routine. You must stick to your plan even when you don’t feel like it. If you’re only dieting or exercising occasionally, it’s unlikely that you’ll see the results you want.
Only lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle will work. It can be difficult, but if you’re consistent, it will pay off in the long run.
6. You’re Not Talking to a Doctor or Registered Dietitian
If you’re struggling to lose weight, it’s important to talk to a doctor or registered dietitian.
They can help you identify any underlying causes of weight gain and create a plan to help you reach your goals. Healthcare professionals can also provide support and guidance along the way.
Free Download: Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat
When trying to lose weight, many people say that it’s belly fat they want to lose the most. But the belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. Are you frustrated because you feel like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not able to shift your belly fat? Maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller.
To learn more, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat and see how you can start getting the results you want.