Need convincing to look after your bones? Then consider what they do for you on a daily basis! They protect your internal organs and support the muscles of your body.
Essentially, our bones are what allow us to do the activities we love, such as dancing, running, walking and generally living our lives.
When your bone density isn’t healthy, you’ll gradually see a reduction in your overall wellbeing and the activities you can participate in.
Free Report: 11 Foods To Eat For Healthy BonesCalcium and Your Bone Density
To have healthy bones, you must have two key nutrients in the proper quantities: the mineral calcium and vitamin D. Calcium helps increase your bone density and when you don’t get enough, over time it can lead to osteoporosis, a medical condition where your bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue . The weaker and more brittle your bones, the more damaging a fall can be. We all, unfortunately, know a story of an elderly person who fell and never made it back home from the hospital.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is the catalyst that helps with absorption and bone growth. However, unlike other vitamins, food or supplements are not the only source of vitamin D. Known as the sunshine vitamin, a 15 to 20-minute exposure to sunlight gives you more than enough vitamin D. Then you only must watch your calcium intake to ensure you get enough each day.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
When our bone density starts to deteriorate we may find it a lot harder to perform daily activities that we used to enjoy. Our joints may get stiffer, making movement harder, or we may have back pain that means we can’t do as much as we’d like.
Poor bone health may also be a sign that you aren’t making healthy lifestyle choices. For example, a lack of exercise, regular smoking, or drinking too much alcohol and caffeine can all lead to poor bone health. So what can you do to strengthen them?
How Can You Strengthen Your Bones?
Start by adding foods to your diet that promote bone health. This primarily means foods high in calcium. Thee include dairy products or dark leafy greens, and also those high in vitamin D. You can also boost your vitamin D levels by spending a little bit of time outside in the sun every day.
Exercise also plays an important role in bone health. Generally, anything that works your muscles also helps your bones. However, weight-bearing exercise is particularly good at boosting your bone health – think exercises like climbing stairs or dancing.
If you don’t take action to maintain good bone density then you are going to be at far greater risk of suffering from conditions like osteoporosis, or feeling the consequences of damaging falls and breaks as you age.
Free Report: 11 Foods For Better Bone Density
The health of our bones is really key for maintaining good health as we get older. And this isn’t just something you should be thinking about when you get old – it’s something we can all take action on at any age to prevent bone health issues when we get older.
Your bone health impacts your mobility and long-term health. The good news is that regardless of your age and fitness level, you can take steps to strengthen your bones. With simple lifestyle changes – seriously they’re simple – you can ensure your bones stay healthy well into your golden years. Download this free 11 Foods To Eat For Healthy Bones that can help you reach your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D.

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