How To Avoid Middle Age Weight Gain

No More Middle Age Weight Gain

As we get older our metabolism slows down and middle age weight gain becomes much more of anMiddle Age Weight Gain issue in our lives. Lack of activity is the number one cause of weight gain even when we continue to eat as we have our whole lives because of the decrease in our metabolism.

As our metabolism decreases so does our body’s ability to burn calories. If we keep eating the same amount of food our bodies will start to turn the excess calories into fat. The more over weight we get the less active we become. So how can you avoid middle age weight gain?

How To Avoid Middle Age Weight Gain (And Beyond)

The solution is to have a weight loss plan that includes a combination of diet and exercise. A good diet will cut the number calories that you are taking in, while exercise will burn off calories that you eat

Your Diet

As we get older, our bodies start to secrete less digestive enzymes. This changes how our bodies breakdown and absorb nutrients.

  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat. Fat contains more calories and is one of the main causes of midsection weight gain.
  • Eat small portions of food more often. The body really only needs about 300-400 calories in one sitting. Any more than that is turned into fat stores. Eating smaller portions will help your weight loss plan.
  • Eat more plant based foods, like fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals that the body needs, which, makes them quality calorie foods.
  • Eat more fibre. It is filling, low in calories and aids in digestion. There are many great plant foods that are filled with fibre, including, broccoli that can be a great weapon in your weight loss plan.
  • Drink more water. Many times thirst feels like hunger, and instead of drinking we eat. Also, drinking icy cold water helps to burn a little more calories as the body needs to warm it as it passes through.

Your Exercise

Exercise helps your weight loss plan by increasing your muscle mass and is how to boost your metabolism for women and men. The best exercises for weight loss are aerobic workouts and resistance training.

  • Aerobic Exercise

An aerobic workout exercises the heart and the cardiovascular system. When our heart beats faster the body burns more calories. The longer you keep your heart rate up the more calories you will burn. Aerobic activity includes cycling,  jogging, walking, swimming, and there are various fitness classes too.

  • Resistance Training

Resistance training targets the muscles directly. It is used to increase muscle mass and has a longer effect on burning calories than aerobics. When you increase your muscle mass, you also increase your metabolism. This means that your body will burn calories even when it is resting, and not just during a particular workout.


Finding a balance between diet and exercise is the best way to get rid of unwanted middle age weight gain. Health is a long-term game and fast weight loss plans often cause more harm than good.  Studies have shown that once men and women hit 40 years of age, your body will age about 6 months extra for every year that passes without the proper nutrients and exercise. Check out these 5 steps that reveal the things you absolutely must avoid if you want to slow the aging process, reclaim your health, and avoid middle age weight gain.

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