Alli Weight Loss: Does It Work?

Alli Weight Loss

Alli weight loss plans are designed for overweight adults who are struggling to lose excess alli weight losspounds. There has been a lot of media coverage about this weight loss pill but does it actually work? Many research studies appear to show that it is effective for weight loss, but before you take alli weight loss treatments read the rest of this article, because there are some things you should know.

What Is Alli?

Alli is a brand name for the chemical orlistat. Alli weight loss tablets are available without a doctor’s prescription in pharmaceutical outlets in the UK and USA (or click here to buy online). It is also available as a prescription medication, often under the name of Xenical. Generic orlistat is also available in some countries.

How Alli Weight Loss Works

The effects of the alli weight loss program have been reported in several research studies and it is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for weight loss assistance. It works as a fat blocker, preventing the body from absorbing a certain proportion of the fats in our food.

It has been shown to block absorption of around 25% or one quarter of the fat that we eat based on the standard dose of 60 mg three times a day. This can increases to a dose of 3 x 120 mg, but only with medical supervision. Beyond that there is very little additional effect, so there is no point in taking more.

One study followed people taking the alli weight loss pill in clinical trials over one year. Among the different groups of people, between 35% and 55% lost at least 5% of their body weight, which is a significant loss. About half of those people lost 10% of their starting body weight or more. These are good results for clinical trials.

In addition, alli has been shown to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Whether this is because of alli weight loss effects or whether there are other beneficial effects in alli has not been proved.

However, this does not mean that we can eat all the fat that we want and then take alli to prevent weight gain. It is important to be aware of the side effects of alli weight loss before starting to take it.

Side Effects Of Alli

The most common side effect of alli or orlistat is bowel disturbance. Alli blocks digestion of a lot of the fat that we eat and so that fat has to be expelled from the body in undigested form. The result is loose stools which can cause severe diarrhea in some cases. Many people also suffer from excessive flatulence.

These symptoms are worse when people begin taking alli. It appears to be that the body does adjusts to it after a time. To avoid the side effects of alli you can start with a very low dose and gradually increase it. However, the best way to avoid alli weight loss side effects is to eat less fat. That way, there is less undigested fat for the body to excrete. Eating less fat also helps with weight loss.


The manufacturers of the alli weight loss capsules claim that it can help your weight loss by up to 50% but you still do need to control how much you eat. Based on the manufacturer’s claims, somebody who loses 10 pounds without taking alli would lose 15 pounds in the same time with the same food intake if they add alli weight loss to the mix.

Alli is more than just a pill. It’s an innovative weight loss program that works with you, not for you. With alli you can achieve gradual and healthy weight loss. If you do your part, alli can teach you smart eating and activity habits you can follow for a lifetime.

Click here to get your alli weight loss starter kit.