5 Reasons Why Strength Training To Lose Weight Rocks!
Using strength training to lose weight is something that a lot of people ignore. People who haven’t done any kind of strength training or weight lifting are afraid they’ll get too bulky.
Women are especially worried about this. But, in order to bulk up and look like a body builder, it takes a lot of work and specialist training. Body builders will spend hours every day working on their physique. Incorporating an element of strength training into your overall weight loss training program is not going to pack on bulky muscles. Body builders have a very specific and hard routine to attain their body shape which you will not get with a regular resistance training workout with lighter weights.
Here are 5 benefits of strength training to lose weight.
Free Download: 10 Muscle Toning Mistakes Women Make
5 Reasons Why You Should Be Strength Training To Lose Weight
1. You Burn More Calories
The main advantage about resistance or strength training to lose weight is that you’ll burn more calories. Cardio exercise does burn calories, but only whilst you are performing the exercise. You achieve more weight loss through weight training because even while you’re resting your muscles will be burning calories. If you are working out with weights 2 to 3 times a week you can reach your weight loss goal much faster.
2. It Helps Build Strong Bones, Ligaments, Tendons and Overall Health
Strength training is not only effective for a weight loss programme. It helps to strengthen your bones, tendons and ligaments. All of these work together to help you have stability, strength and stamina. Working out with strength training also lowers your risk of certain diseases associated with being over weight like like diabetes and high blood pressure.
3. Gives You Muscle Tone and Strength
Having good muscle tone does not mean that you will look like a bulky bodybuilder, but it does mean that everyday tasks can become a little easier. You will be able to open jars more easily, walk a flight of stairs and do your housework or DIY tasks without feeling exhausted afterwards. Not to mention that toned muscles look much better than flabby ones. Strength training for weight loss does not require you to lift heavy weights for hours per day. Simply lifting a few sets with a five pound weight will do wonders for your muscle tone.
4. You’ll Grow Old Gracefully
No one wants to think about growing older, but if you stay in shape and keep your muscle tone in great shape, you can avoid some of the problems associated with aging and you won’t need to call a young person to open that jar of pickles for you!
5. Improves Your Balance And Coordination
Getting your muscles toned and in shape with strength training will also improve your balance and coordination. It helps increase your balance because you work opposing muscle groups. For example, if your abdominal muscles are strong, but your back muscles are weak, this can effect how well you balance your body, even while standing erect. It can also lead to injury of your back because those muscles are weak.
Free Report: 10 Muscle Toning Mistakes Women Make
No matter what your gender is, you should embrace the weights and add strength training into your workout routine. You don’t even have to use weights in order to tone your body. Strength training for women is an important part of an effective exercise routine. However, there are a variety of common mistakes that make the job of muscle toning much harder than it needs to be. Download my free report, 10 Muscle Toning Mistakes Women Maketo help you get the best results from your workout.

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