Aging is a natural part of living. But there is no reason to look old, feel old, or think old.
There are many anti-aging remedies on the market. Lotions and potions galore that promise everything from reversing the aging process to helping you to live to be 120 years old.
Out of all the remedies available, ranging from ancient treatments handed down over generations to medical discoveries today, there are 3 anti-aging secrets that truly do work and that you can begin doing yourself.
Free Download: 9 Healthy Things You Can Do To Help You Live LongerTop 3 Anti-Aging Secrets
You are what you eat.
Your diet affects the health of your cells, which ensures the health of your organs and your overall body functions. So, diet is a very important factor in staying young, feeling young and looking young.
It’s never too late to change your diet to one that supports longevity, reduces lines and wrinkles and helps you feel good.
A good anti-aging diet includes:
- Fruit & Veggies. Eat five fruits and veggies a day, preferably more, to greatly reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.
- Fish. Eat fish two to three times a week. Make sure that at least one is an oily fish like salmon for the omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce disease-causing inflammation.
- Fiber. Get fiber, at least 25 grams a day, through fruits, veggies, and whole grains. A high-fiber diet can lower your risk of dying from any cause.
- Nuts. Snack on nuts like pistachios and walnuts to fight heart disease. Don’t eat more than a handful a day.
Mayo Clinic researchers say interval training may have anti-aging benefits at the cellular level.
High-intensity interval training is fast-paced workouts that alternate short bursts of exercise with quick recovery periods. These workouts boost metabolism, melt fat, build muscle and more. Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered yet another benefit: it can reverse signs of aging at the cellular level.
Don’t be put off by the words “high intensity.” Adding this to your current routine could be as simple as finding a walking path that includes hills. Or, if you like to ride a bicycle, pedal faster for a short period of time. It’s about adding short bursts of exercise that are more intense than what you’re doing now, then backing off to the regular exercise to recover.
Ancient remedies for anti-aging include herbs from the local region.
Most are made into teas for drinking, while some are used to create facial masks to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles. The most effective herbs are those that have natural anti-aging properties.
The three most commonly used herbs today are Ginseng, Holy Basil, and Sage.
The two most common types of ginseng are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Korean, or Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng). It’s great for the heart, regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels and lowers blood pressure.
Ginseng also can increase energy levels, enhance the immune system, and increase blood flow to the brain, which enhances nerve development, which can lead to an improvement in cognitive function. It can be taken as a supplement.
Holy Basil
This herb known for increasing energy, lowering stress levels, and promoting longevity.
It’s recommended for those with diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. Holy basil reduces stress and cortisol levels better than any other plant or even other types of supplements, without side effects. It also reduces inflammation. It’s easy to grow and can be used dried or served fresh.
Spanish sage and garden sage are the two most common types that are used for healing purposes.
It has both calming and clarifying effects on sinus and respiratory congestion, making it great for anyone suffering from breathing problems. It’s also is known to stop headaches and contribute to improved memory and clearer thinking.
Sage oil has been shown in studies to have immune-enhancing properties, protect the heart and fight cancer. Sage is high in antioxidants, which fight the free radicals that cause premature aging. It is also high in anti-inflammatory compounds, which can stop arthritis and its pain. Make a tea with a tablespoon of fresh sage leaves (or a teaspoon of dried) and add to boiling water. Steep for 3-5 minutes. Sweeten with honey.
Free Download: 9 Things You Can Do To Help You Live Longer
You probably already know that the way you choose to live your life has some effect on how long you’ll live. But, believe it or not, we do actually have some degree of control over our life expectancy!
If you want to know exactly where you should be focusing your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle check out my free download Top 9 Things You Can Do For Your Health To Help You Live Longer. The choices you make about your lifestyle don’t mean that you and your loved ones have to live shorter lives.