Of all the organs that make up the human physiology, the heart is arguably the most vital.
Therefore, if you want to support heart health, it’s important to know how to take care of your heart in your daily life and routine.
Here are 5 easy ways to incorporate heart healthy activities into your daily regimen.
Free Report: How To Reduce The Risk of Heart DiseaseHow To Support Heart Health
1. Reduce The Production And Release Of Stress Hormones
The CDC and Cleveland Clinic say that stress is a major contributor to heart disease. The production and subsequent release of stress hormones such as cortisol, or the hormones that are released during “fight or flight” response such epinephrine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, are an inevitable and natural process during existence.
However, if you live an overly stressful life that lacks in adequate amounts of rest and relaxation, you’ll put an unsustainable amount of strain on your cardiovascular system which will in time have potentially fatal negative repercussions on your heart.
Incorporating any type of relaxing activity into your daily routine will help your stress levels. These include:
- Mindfulness
- Massage therapy
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Or any other form of alternative medicine and relaxation therapy techniques.
2. Adopt A Heart Healthy Diet
The Mayo Clinic advises you to make a genuine and concerted effort toward incorporating foods that are rich in mono and poly unsaturated fats, essential fatty acids (Omega 3 – 6 – 9) and antioxidants into your regular diet. Contrary to what many people think, a heart healthy diet isn’t necessarily synonymous with bland, tasteless, or dull foods.
There are a myriad of delicious foods varying from avocadoes to dark chocolate that are rich in the substances that support heart health. These foods can be prepared in ways that protect your cardiovascular system while also satisfying your taste buds.
3. Stay Active
WebMD says exercise is essential for heart health. Falling into the rut of living a consistently sedentary lifestyle is one of the worst ways to insult your heart and compromise your heart’s health. This isn’t to say that you need to run marathons or be a regular at the gym but making it a point to simply walk or jog for 20 minutes or so a few days per week will make a big difference in your cardiovascular well-being.
Opting to take the stairs versus the elevator or choosing to park further away from the entrance of stores when running errands, are both simple, yet effective examples of ways in which to incorporate more physical exercise into your everyday life. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins. So not only will your heart be happier, but your mind will as well.
Free Report: 6 Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle4. Avoid Polluted Air
Depending on where you live, avoiding polluted air may be far easier said than done. Pollutant particles tend to be at their highest concentration levels early in the morning. So if you live in a busy city, plan your outdoor activities for afternoon and evening, since multiple studies have revealed a correlation between inhaling pollutants and arterial damage.
5. Get Enough (But Not Too Much) Good Quality Sleep
There is a lot of documented evidence linking the amount, the timing, and the quality of your sleep with heart health. Some studies have shown that those who suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia have almost a 50% higher chance of developing some form of cardiovascular disease than those who are able to get an average of 8 hours of quality, restful sleep at a time. Alternatively, sleeping over 9 hours a night on a regular basis can be damaging to your heart’s health via secondary conditions such as depression or obesity.
Support Heart Heath With Improved Fitness
Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US for both women and men. But you have some control over certain risk factors that lead up to heart disease. You can even reverse some of the symptoms if they’re caught early on.
It’s never too early to start making smart choices and start investing in a healthier, brighter, longer life. A variety of health challenges can be prevented, reversed, and better managed by simply adding exercise to your lifestyle. If you want to support heart health and live a healthier life check out these 10 Health Benefits You’ll Get With Improved Fitness.

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