7 Common Mistakes When Eating Healthy To Lose Weight

Are You Really Eating Healthy To Lose Weight?

When you’re making the effort of eating healthy to lose weight it’s very easy to make mistakes Eating Healthy To Lose Weightregarding your nutrition and diet. We all live busy lives and when we’re hungry the option of a fast food meal can be very appealing. In the same way, sometimes when we think we’re eating a healthy meal we may be unintentionally making nutrition mistakes.

Even some well-meaning fitness experts come across poor pieces of info they firmly believe, because this knowledge has been reinforced their entire life. Make sure you are not making these 7 mistakes when eating healthy to lose weight, and you will start seeing and feeling positive health results where they may have eluded you in the past.

7 Common Mistakes When Eating Healthy To Lose Weight

1 Not Eating Soon Enough After Exercise 

Just about every expert in physical fitness and exercise will agree that the window of opportunity for maximizing your nutrition benefits is 30 minutes to 60 minutes after you exercise. So any time you exert yourself physically, plan to take in some carbohydrates and protein within an hour after working out.

2. Chasing After The Latest Fad Diet

Don’t constantly chase after the latest new way of eating healthy to lose weight. You already know everything you need to about healthy eating and nutrition. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay hydrated. After a workout you need carbohydrates and protein. Avoid eating processed foods, refined salt and sugar.

3. Drinking Lots of Fruit Juice

Did you know that most orange juices have the same amount of sugar as the equivalent serving size of your favorite soft drink?  That same glass of orange juice often contains more sugar than 5 or 10 oranges as well. Eat fruit, which has wonderfully healthy dietary fiber, to get your fruit juice.

4.  The Belief That Eating Healthy To Lose Weight Costs Too Much Money

There is a belief that healthy food to lose weight is expensive. But study after study has shown that eating a nutritious diet is easily done without spending exorbitant amounts of money. You can actually save a lot of money on your annual grocery bill by ditching unhealthy foods and purchasing nutritious ones. And anyway, if eating right, living healthier and longer, feeling and looking better costs a little bit more than harming your body and feeling horrible all the time by eating bad food, wouldn’t it be worth the extra money?

5. My Genes and Ancestry Stop Me From Losing Weight

Some folks believe their genetic makeup predisposes a particular level of health. This is simply not the case. Doctors and geneticists now know that nutrition and exercise can control as much as 80% to 90% of your level of physical fitness, your weight and the shape and appearance of your body. Basically put, a healthy eating weight loss plan and keeping physically active trumps your overweight and out of shape family history every time.

6. Skinny Means Healthy, Right?

Some people are skinny. Some are fat. Some are tall, short, medium, or “average” and every body shape imaginable is on the planet. Accordingly, some of those skinny people are very healthy. But every person is different. Down to the molecular level, you are not exactly like anyone else that has ever been born, or will ever live. That means that one skinny person may be exceptionally unhealthy, while a person who is 30 pounds over the “recommended” weight for their height and age may be exceptionally healthy. Skinny does not automatically equate to healthy. It may or may not be a sign of good health.

7. Vitamins Make up for Poor Nutrition

Some vitamins may help supplement your health in particular areas. But eating healthy to lose weight means having a diet low in processed foods and rich in vegetables, fruits and whole foods. Beware of quick fixes and shortcuts being sold to you by profit-driven companies.

Eating Healthy To Lose Weight Does Not Have To Be Difficult

A healthy weight loss diet plan is all about having the right balance of nutritious foods for your body. Eat whole foods, fresh and raw vegetables and fruits and be smart with your dairy and meat intake, You need to feel good about the food and drinks you have in your refrigerator and cupboard and not struggle trying to understand what’s healthy, what’s unhealthy, what’s going to help you lose weight and what’s going to make you gain weight. The Fat Burning Kitchen shows you exactly what you need to know about eating healthy to lose weight so you never have to worry about counting calories again.

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1 thought on “7 Common Mistakes When Eating Healthy To Lose Weight”

  1. Pingback: Can You Eat Treats When You’re Trying To Lose Weight?

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