5 Drinks That Won’t Help You Get A Flat Stomach Fast

Want To Get A Flat Stomach Fast? Watch Out For These Drinks

If you want to get a flat stomach fast you have to combine an effective exercise routine with a Get A Flat Stomach Fasthealthy and nutritious diet. You could spend hours doing exercise everyday but if you are consuming the wrong things, any fat that you lose by exercise will go straight back on if you feed your body with the wrong things.

It’s a well known fact that you should avoid certain foods if you want to lose that unwanted belly fat. But what you drink also matters.  Here are 5 drinks to avoid if you want to get a flat stomach fast.

5 Drinks To Avoid If You Want To Get A Flat Stomach Fast

1. Alcohol

Having an occasional beer with friends is okay. However, there is a reason that the term ‘beer belly’ exists. There is no way that you’ll get a flat stomach fast if you regularly drink a lot of alcohol.  Alcohol contains many empty calories and a single night of drinking can translate into taking in thousands of liquid calories. Instead of being burnt by your body, these calories will be stored as fat and accumulate on your stomach. Alcohol also increases your appetite and causes you to crave junk food which will often result in you consuming even more calories and sabotaging your flat stomach goals. Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will slow down your alcohol consumption and help you to feel full.

2. Soda / Fizzy Drinks

Soda and carbonated drinks are something that many people surprisingly continue to consume when they are trying to get a flat stomach fast. However, both regular and diet soda are detrimental when trying to burn belly fat. Regular soda is packed with sugar and causes you to consume more calories than you need. These liquid calories then get converted into body fat and prevent you from getting lean toned abs. Diet soda may contain no calories but they are full of chemicals that increase your appetite and cause stomach bloating.

3.  Fruit Juice

Many people assume that fruit juice carries similar benefits to fresh fruits. While fruit juice does provide your body with some vitamins and minerals, it contains no fibre and high levels of sugar. Therefore, it doesn’t suppress your appetite in the same way as fresh fruits and also leads to you consuming excess calories which often get stored as body fat. If you do like your juice choose 100% fruit juice and to get a flat stomach fast, steer clear of juice drinks that have added sweeteners. Look for the percentage of real juice on the nutritional label. You can also save calories by drinking water with a tiny bit of juice added.

4. Sports and Energy Drinks

Sports and energy drinks are calorie bombs like sweet fizzy drinks. They may have more added nutrients, but you can find the same vitamins and minerals in low-calorie foods. People who want to get a flat stomach fast should stay hydrated with water rather than sports drinks. Water has no preservatives, no sodium, and no calories. You can drink plenty of water without adding to your caloric intake.

5. Drinks From The Coffee Shop

When you’re working on ways to get a flat stomach, beware of drinks from the coffee shop. Drinks like lattes, americanos, cappuccinos and frappuchinos are extremely high calorie drinks. Speciality coffees can contain around 500 calories or more per cup which is possibly more than an entire meal! Black coffee is calorie-free and rich in antioxidants. But once you add heavy cream, flavoured syrups, and/or whipped cream, that innocent mug of black coffee becomes a minefield of fat and sugar. If you don’t like your coffee black, add a little skimmed milk. Watch out for artificial sweeteners too. Artificial sweeteners are loaded with chemicals that increase your appetite and cause overeating. They also cause bloating as they contain chemical compounds known as sucralose, cyclamate and aspartame which do not break down easily in the body.

How To Get A Flat Stomach Fast

The best way to get a flat stomach fast is to identify the mistakes you may have been inadvertently making. Once you’ve done that, you’ll find that burning fat and toning your abs becomes so much easier. Once you have the right mindset and a simple plan that addresses the right things to drink and eat along with the right flat stomach exercises you’ll get the body shape you want. Check out the 4 shocking facts on this page that reveals why so many people cannot get a flat stomach fast and how you can fix your broken metabolism to burn body fat 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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  1. Pingback: 10 Easy Tips To Help You Lose Stomach Fat

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