10 ‘So Called’ Facts About Losing Belly Fat That Everyone Thinks Are True

10 Facts About Losing Belly Fat That Are Wrong

When it comes to losing belly fat, everyone has their own idea of what will work best. This is fine but there are a lot of so called facts out there that tell you how to get rid of belly fat which are just plain wrong.

For example, losing belly fat is not about not eating. Not eating won’t help to slim your stomach or help your body in any way for that matter. You need a healthy and balanced diet. Never skip a meal and starving yourself will only harm you in the long run. Let’s take a look at 10 other facts about losing belly fat that everyone thinks are true.

10 Facts About Losing Belly Fat That Everyone Thinks are True

1. Sit Ups And Crunches Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Crunches and sit ups work and tone your abdominal muscles, but you need to burn off the fat that covers those muscles first. That means to start losing belly fat you have to do fat burning exercises, like resistance and cardio training as well as control the amount of calories that you eat each day.

2. You Can Eat What You Want As Long As You Exercise

You can exercise as hard as you want, but if those calories that you’ve burned are being replaced with with unhealthy foods you won’t get rid of belly fat. To lose the fat around your middle you need cut back on fatty, saturated and fast foods, white flour, sugar and salt and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. You Need To Workout For Hours At The Gym Everyday

You do need to include some exercise into your weekly routine if you want to get rid of belly fat for good. But this does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym every week. In fact, exercising for 10 minutes several times a day is about as beneficial as one long workout session. If you don’t like going to the gym to exercise, you can exercise at home or try different activities and find one that you enjoy.

4. Long Cardio Sessions Are Best For Losing Belly Fat

If you just spend hours on the treadmill or stationary bike at the same pace, it is not going help you get those flat abs muscles showing through. The best cardio results come from interval training. This is where you alternate between high intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods. The best exercises to get rid of belly fat are a combination of interval training and resistance (or weight) training.

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5. You Have To Suffer To Lose That Fat

If you always feel that you are on a diet and doing exercise that you hate, it will be very difficult to shed that unwanted fat around your midsection. There are plenty of healthy and nutritious foods out there that you probably have never tried and lots of different types of exercise. You need to focus on changing your lifestyle by improving your nutrition and fitness.

6. It’s All About What You Eat, Not What You Drink

It’s not just about cutting down on the high calorie foods to get rid of belly fat. What you drink is as important as what you eat.  Alcohol and carbonated soft drinks are very high in calories. Water is one of the few drinks that has no preservatives, no sodium, no calories and you can drink as much water as you want without adding to your caloric intake.

7. You Have To Give Up All Your Favorite Foods

While you will need to make changes to your diet, you can still enjoy your favourite foods in moderation and lose that belly fat. A good way to balance healthy eating with your favourite foods is eat 80% of the calories you consume from healthy foods and 20% of the calories you consume come from other foods of your choice.

8. Belly Fat Is Genetic

While there are various different body types that are determined by our genes, the percentage of fat that we carry around in our body is not due solely to the genes that we have inherited. It is due to the food that we have been eating from the beginning of our life to the stage where we are now and the amount of movement or activity that we do on a regular basis.

9. You Can Take Supplements And Pills To Lose Belly Fat

There are supplements that can help you lose belly fat, but they will not do you any good if you make no other changes to your lifestyle. You have to look at all aspects of your lifestyle, from the food you eat, to the exercise that you do.

10. There Are No Real Health Risks With Belly Fat

While being overweight in general can pose health problems, belly fat is particularly dangerous when it comes to keeping your body healthy. By decreasing your waistline, you can reduce your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Diabetes is a serious condition and it is the leading cause of blindness and a major cause of kidney disease.


For many of us, finding time to exercise is something we know we should do, but it’s often the first thing to get dropped when we’re busy. However, it is possible to significantly improve your health and fitness with short, 15-minute workout sessions. To learn more, download this free report: 15 Minute Fitness.
