The Real Truth About Your Diet Plan To Lose Belly Fat

Diet Plan To Lose Belly Fat

When you start a diet to lose belly fat, whatever you may think about food and calories hasDiet To Lose Belly Fat to be changed.  How and what we eat is really the main factor in fat loss.

It’s not the only factor as you do need to get up off your couch and move your body with some exercise, but for the purposes of this article we’re going to look at some facts about a real diet plan to lose belly fat.

Firstly, let’s get some basic nutrition facts straight with the “eat less” part of the equation.  In order to burn fat, you need to decrease your daily caloric intake.  You need to eat fewer calories overall.  Essentially, a diet plan to lose belly fat means you need to move from a diet based on sugars and starches to a diet based on good, balanced nutrition.

Your Belly Fat Diet Plan

It’s a fact that when we eat too many simple sugars in the form of white sugar, white flour, pastas, potatoes, and more, we set ourselves up to become pre-diabetic.  One of the first places fat is stored due to overeating sugars and starches is the belly.  We’ve all heard that insulin is a major factor in how our bodies deal with sugar.  It will direct the body to store the sugar as fat in your belly.

The direct opposite will happen with a diet plan to lose belly fat  when you stop eating excessive amounts of refined starches and high sugar content foods. With consistent diet changes and regular exercise your belly fat will begin to decrease over time.

Avoid ‘Empty’ Calories

It’s important to make sure that the kind of calories you’re eating as part of your diet to lose belly fat are nutrient packed. While it’s true that a calorie is a calorie, energy wise, it is packed with other nutrients when it’s consumed as a large green salad as opposed the “empty” or junk calories of a large strawberry milkshake.

Food-wise, an 850-calorie salad is going to feed your body what it needs to repair and maintain health whereas an 800-calorie milkshake has almost no nutrients. Also, the high amounts of sugar in the milkshake are counterproductive to building health.

This is why we’re hungry after eating an 800-calorie milkshake. Your body still needs the nutrients and so sends out hunger signals.  If you eat a candy bar, it will satisfy the hunger pangs for a time, but then it will signal hunger again very soon.

Making The Right Diet Choices 

But, on your diet plan to lose belly fat, if you eat a large salad with chicken you won’t feel hunger so soon.  Yes, you may still desire a  large slice of double-chocolate cake, but that’s more of an emotional hunger.

Your diet plan to lose belly fat is about making better food choices.  It comes down to what you want more: the cake or the flat tummy?  There really is no in between, although once you’ve attained your maintenance level, you can indulge in occasional desserts and pasta dishes.


Remember that not eating won’t help you lose belly fat. Never skip a meal and don’t starve yourself as it will only harm you in the long run. Your diet plan to lose belly fat has to deliver all of the nutritional goodness that your body needs and be easy to maintain. The most effective flat belly diet meal plan will include a wide selection healthy and nutritious foods and allow you to incorporate occasional treats.

Take a hard look at your diet and workout plan as well as your calorie-tracking system to ensure everything is on the right track. Take advantage of apps like My Food Diary. This highly-acclaimed food database contains over 100,000 foods to improve your diet and the exercise log can calculate calories burned for over 700 activities to help you achieve your weight loss goal.

1 thought on “The Real Truth About Your Diet Plan To Lose Belly Fat”

  1. Pingback: 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat | How To Get Flat Abs Fast

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