5 Ways To Beat Food Addiction And Find Happiness

How To Beat Food Addiction

Some people may wrongfully assume that trying to beat food addiction is simply a case of notbeat food addiction being greedy. But  food addiction is a psychological condition that binds us to food. For many, food is their only source of happiness. And millions of people around the world suffer from food addiction.

So is there any way out? Yes, absolutely. In fact, if you’re trying to beat food addiction you should start implementing the tips below to find happiness in the real things in life, and not be held prisoner by food any longer!

5 Ways To Beat Food Addiction And Find Happiness

Get In Your Workouts

Exercise is so much more important than making you look good. In fact, the health benefits are far superior, with looking good coming as a pleasant bonus. Exercise promotes the production of feel good brain chemicals, known as endorphins, which boost mood, productivity, and sense of wellbeing. In fact, exercise is a very important element in treating depressive illness. In some cases it can be the primary management technique. For best results, get in your exercise sessions at least 3 times per week, up to a maximum of 5 times weekly. You’ll be surprised how good you feel after 6 short weeks of starting a new plan.

2. Rediscover Nature

When was the last time you spend real time in nature? Living in a concrete jungle, we spend less and less time simply going for walks in the beautiful countryside, forests and national parks. A light walk in nature is sure to give you a deeper appreciation of the beauty in the world. Better yet, how about trying you hand at gardening? You don’t need a huge garden and you can start with a simple window-box size area. Knowing that you nurtured something from a seedling and watched it grow everyday can give you joy like raising a child. Knowing that you made a difference in the world may be all you need to break the psychological barrier to beat food addiction.

3. Go Out With Friends

Have you ever sacrificed friends for food?  This is selfish food master that can lead you down a spiral of depression. However, there is always time. Reconnect with friends you haven’t spoken to in week, months or even years. You’ll be amazed how time flies when you’re out with you friends, and you won’t be held captive by food. In addition, you are likely to burn a few more calories than you would if you were just at home. When you enjoy the simple pleasure of company with people who care about you, it will make you feel happy for a long time to come.

4. Practice Meditation

Meditation is no longer some obscure practice followed by just a few, but has spread to the mainstream population thanks to its proven benefits on health. Though the addiction to food is a real psychological condition, meditation can help you beat food addiction by increasing your appreciation for other things in life, bringing profound happiness. Mindfulness increases, and you become truly happy and thankful for everything in your life.

5. Get A Pet

A pet can deliver tons of happiness in your life, motivating you to break free from using food as your motivation. Having someone (yes, your pet) that loves you infinitely is a powerful motivator of happiness, and works in most cases. Adopt a puppy or kitten, and you’ll have tons of fun and happiness for years to come.

You Can Beat Food Addiction 

Food needs to resume its true function of being used for fuel and subtle pleasure. It wasn’t meant to become a source of happiness and this may have been inadvertently promoted due to marketing of sugary junk. Did you know that even certain “healthy” foods and spices can actually damage your DNA and accelerate aging in your body? Age spots, wrinkles, saggy skin, joint stiffness, decreased mobility, memory issues, low energy, increased fatigue, hormonal decline, weight gain… the list goes on and on. This free report, from top nutritionist Dr. Matt Roberson exposes the Top 11 Age-Accelerating Foods that actually make you look old.

The Red Smoothie Detox Factor

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