7 Common Myths About The Best Way To Lose Weight

What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight?

Is it possible to lose weight for good without using pills, potions or dangerous techniques thatBest Way To Lose Weight could cause harm to your body and your health in the long-term. The best way to lose weight is a have gradual transition to a healthy lifestyle. It does not mean severely limiting the nutrition you need, dropping calorie intake below a healthy level or exercising to the point of total exhaustion.

Taking weight off slowly enables you to lose weight for good. It is important that you know how to avoid the pitfalls and myths that surround weight loss so that you can give your body the nutritional goodness and exercise that it needs.

7 Common Myths About The Best Way To Lose Weight

1. You Have To Make Instant And Dramatic Changes To Your Diet

Making sudden and dramatic changes to your diet is not the best way to lose weight as it is unlikely that you’ll be able to stick with them. Start by making small changes with the foods you choose. Replace three desserts a week with a piece of fresh fruit. Substitute french fries with a side salad or steamed vegetables at lunch twice per week. Then increase it to three times, and so on.

2. You Only Have To Exercise Your Body Parts Where You Want To Lose Weight

When it comes to spot fat burning, there’s no way to physically do it. This means trying to burn fat in a particular trouble spot like your belly, your thighs or your backside. When you exercise you cannot control your body to only lose fat in one specific area. The best way to lose weight is to have an overall fitness plan.

3. Supplements Provide Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Whilst there are natural weight loss supplements that can help you on your weight loss journey, there are no magic pills or exotic herbs that will make lose weight for good if you make no changes to your diet, exercise regime or lifestyle. Taking pills does not change the poor habits which caused you to gain weight in the first place. The powerful stimulants found in many diet pills can lead to mood swings, high blood pressure and other negative symptoms and behaviors.

4. You Have To Starve Yourself

Many people think that the best way to lose weight is to drastically reduce eating as many calories as you can by starving yourself. This is an extremely unhealthy way to go about it because your body goes into starvation mode. It is not sure when the next time that it will be fed, so it simply reserves its energy and clings onto your body fat.

Free Report: Top 5 Exercise Mistakes
5. You Have To Spend Hours In The Gym Every Week

If you want to lose weight for good, you do need to include some exercise into your weekly routine. But this does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym every week. The best exercise to lose weight is one that you enjoy and that you will want to keep doing on a regular basis. There are hundreds of different fun ways to exercise, whether at home on your own, in a group environment or simply by adding more physical movement into your day.

6. You Can Do A Crash Diet 

This article is about helping you to lose weight for good. The main issue with crash diets is that the weight loss is often only short-term. Crash diets are normally very restrictive in the kinds of foods that you can eat and sometimes whole food groups will be removed. If you abruptly change to a restricted diet, your body will react by holding less water. You will lose weight but you will not essentially lose any fat. When you finish the diet that weight will most likely go straight back on.

7. You Can’t Have Any Treats

To lose weight for good you need to have some balance and there’s no reason for you to give up your favourite foods completely. While you will need to make changes to your diet, you can still enjoy your favourite foods in moderation and lose weight. If you reward yourself occasionally with a treat you will find it easier to stick with your new lifestyle of improved nutrition and fitness which helped you to lose weight in the first place.


The best way to lose weight is to look at all aspects of your lifestyle, from the food you eat, to the exercise that you do. By combining regular exercise with a healthy balanced diet, you are sure to achieve your weight goals and be able to keep it off for the long term.

Take a hard look at your diet and workout plan as well as your calorie-tracking system to ensure everything is on the right track. Take advantage of apps like My Food Diary. This highly-acclaimed food database contains over 100,000 foods to improve your diet and the exercise log can calculate calories burned for over 700 activities to help you achieve your weight loss goal.
