6 Ways To Improve Your Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Creating An Effective Weight Loss Exercise Plan

When you start to exercise to lose weight you will get more effective results if you have a clearWeight Loss Exercise Plan weight loss exercise plan. If you just do a few activities here and there without any focus, you may lose a few pounds only to put them straight back on again in a few weeks or you may find that you get no results at all and give up.

If you’re new to exercising you may be tempted to go all out right from the beginning and end up doing do yourself more harm than good.

Here are 6 tips to help you when you exercise to lose weight.

 Make Your Weight Loss Exercise Plan More Effective

1. Crunches Won’t Burn Belly Fat 

Doing loads of crunches and sit-ups are not the best exercises to lose belly fat. Crunches and sit ups tone abdominal muscles, but you need to burn off the fat that covers those muscles first. That means you have to do fat burning exercises, like resistance and interval training and control your calorie intake.

2.  Know Your Workout Intensity

Just because you sweat when you exercise to lose weight does not mean that you are actually burning fat. When you sweat your body is reacting to heat and is trying to cool down and it could just be the result of working out in a hot room than from a particular exercise routine. The true gauge of your workout intensity and optimal fat burning is your target heart rate. Use the heart rate monitor on your gym’s workout machines or your own heart rate monitor to gauge how hard you’re working out. The objective is to push your body until it is so tired that it’ll need the rest of the day to recover from the workout.

3.  You Don’t Have To Exercise For Hours At A Time

Doing short bursts of very intense exercise, followed by short periods of rest for 15 minutes even once a week is a more beneficial exercise regime to lose weight than doing an hour of traditional cardio 3 days a week. This is why it is important to have a clear weight loss exercise plan so that you don’t waste time doing exercises that will not help you burn off the fat that you want to lose.

4. Include Resistance Training In Your Workout

Muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest and if you’re going to exercise to lose weight you need to include resistance training, or weightlifting, into your workout routine. Many women worry that lifting weights will make them look bulky. But lifting weights helps to build strength, tone muscle and you will not turn you into a bodybuilder.The bulky female bodybuilders get their bodies that way with a very particular, and very hard, exercise regimen, often supplemented with muscle enhancing supplements.

5. Avoid Long Cardio Sessions

Many people like to do cardio exercise to lose weight. But spending hours on the treadmill or stationery bike at the same pace might sound like simple exercises to lose weight but they’re not going to get you the results if you want to lose fat. To get the maximum results from your cardio exercises, use interval training where you swap between higher intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods. For example, if you use a treadmill machine, change the pace and incline frequently throughout your exercise session.

6. What You Eat Matters Too

Just because you are doing exercise to lose weight does not mean that you can eat as much as you want of whatever you want. Healthy weight management is all about calories in and calories out. Think of it this way – an apple has 95 calories, while a slice of apple pie has 277. Your weight loss exercise plan is all about making sure that you burn calories than you eat. If you do workout regularly you can eat more than somebody who doesn’t because you’ll burn more calories during your workout and even when you’re rest because your metabolism is boosted.


The best way to lose unwanted body fat is to have a weight loss exercise plan on how you are going to do it. Get a plan, know what you have to do, stick to it, and see it through. That way, no wasted time deciding when to start or what to do. And if you are not recording your exercises and your eating habits, then you are not losing as much fat as you probably can. To discover more about the best workouts to burn fat check out these Turbulence Training Workouts. You’ll discover the most effective ways to exercise to lose weight fast and to get the shaped and toned body you want.

247 Fat Loss

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  1. Pingback: 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat | How To Get Flat Abs Fast

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