6 Handy Weight Loss Tips For Women Who are Busy Busy Busy!

6 Weight Loss Tips For Women

These weight loss tips for women are for those ladies who lead busy lives and find itweight loss tips for women frustrating trying to find time to even think about losing unwanted pounds. We live in a culture of fast-fixes and fast foods designed for people on the go, but most of these options do not promote healthy weight loss for women.

Women and men are different when it comes to losing weight. Men usually want to bulk up and build big muscles, while women usually want a toned and slimmer body shape. Women’s hormones are different too. So what can you do? Here are 6 handy weight loss tips for women who have a bustling day to day schedule.

5 Handy Weight Loss Tips For Women Who are Busy Busy Busy!

1. Planning

One of the most important weight loss tips for women (and men) who are busy is to make a meal plan. If you don’t prepare,  you can easily fall into the bad habit of grabbing something out of the local coffee shop or a takeaway meal on the way home. These on the spot decisions are some of the biggest culprits sabotaging your diet plans. Instead, be sure that you make a plan and stick to it.

2.  Make Time For You

You probably always find time to schedule in that late appointment, or meet with a prospective client, but it’s more than likely that you don’t give enough time for yourself. One of the top tips for weight loss is making sure you schedule regular exercise into your diary. It’s easier to stick to something if it is written down on paper.

3.  Keep The Good Stuff Close

How many times have you forgotten breakfast, or simply skipped it because you were in a hurry? One way to help combat this and get in the habit of eating a healthy breakfast is to keep a backup at work. There are many options for healthy breakfasts you can keep right in your desk drawer. Eating breakfast will help stave off hunger, and keep you from wanting to snack throughout the day.

4. Cook In Bulk

Healthy weight loss for women means eating the right foods. But coming home after a long day at work and making a healthy meal can feel like it’s more effort than it’s worth. If you take the time at the weekend to do large batches of cooking, the meals for you and your family can be ready for you. The freezer can be your biggest asset because you can freeze mini meals to have on hand all week.

5. After Dinner Drinks?

Most nutrition advice for weight loss will tell you to give up alcohol altogether. But most people won’t stick to that, so set a goal you can meet. Instead of having two or three glasses of wine, stick to one, and avoid the sugary high calorie mixed drinks. If you stick to one glass of wine, you will find you are saving yourself many calories while still being able to enjoy a drink with your meal.

6: Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Water

Water is so often overlooked, and is actually one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. One thing you can do to help ensure you avoid over eating is make sure you are always properly hydrated. Get a water bottle you can take anywhere with you and make sure you always have it on hand.


Healthy weight loss for women is about making sustainable healthy lifestyle changes for the long term. Remember that crash dieting won’t last, and often all the weight is put back on when you stop the crash diet. But research shows when women use this science proven method to boost their metabolism, they burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once! Check out this free video presentation that reveals breakthrough weight loss tips for women that you’ve probably never seen before.

Venus Factor

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