10 Top Tips To Lose 10 Pounds

How To Lose 10 Pounds

If you want to lose 10 pounds (about 4.5 kilos) there is a good chance that thoselose 10 pounds pounds were gained slowly over the course of many months. Most people, when they’re trying to lose 10 pounds, think of things like cutting out junk food and avoiding snacks. While this is important, the most important things to consider in terms of your diet are balance and proportion.

If you want to lose weight for good, you’re going to have to think in terms of your overall eating and exercise habits. By changing your lifestyle permanently for the better, the weight you lose will stay lost.

10 Top Tips To Lose 10 Pounds

1. Pick Your Time Carefully

Weight loss involves very personal issues for most people, and is closely related to their self esteem. Your attempt to lose 10 pounds needs to start at an appropriate time. If you start at a time when there is a lot of stress or other distracting things in your life, your chances of failure increase, which only makes things worse.

2. Change Your Diet

Try as much as possible to balance your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and try to add as much variety to your diet as possible. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in water, high in fibre and low in calories. Examples include spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, berries and apples.

3. Keep Track Of Your Progress

It’s hard to really notice if you lose 1 pound. For this reason it’s important that your track your progress, so you can have a good sense of the accomplishments you’ve made. When you track the foods you’re eating and the exercises you’re doing it becomes easier to remain accountable for your dietary patterns.

4. Do It With A Friend

A great and fun way to help you stick with your plan is to lose weight for good is to do it with a friend. Not only will you be able to provide support for each other and track each other’s progress, but you’ll be able to do fun exercise activities together.

5. Make Your Plan Realistic

It’s important that you set achievable goals for yourself. You’re not going to lose 10 pounds overnight so don’t be in a huge rush to lose the weight. The best way to lose weight is slowly than trying drastic quick-fix dietary changes.

6. Tune In To Your Body

You also have to try to be in tune with your body as much as possible when trying to lose 10 pounds. Most people usually eat the same amount of food at the same time every day. But is this what you need? Are you always hungry when you eat? Do you stop eating when you’re full, or do you eat all of whatever you’ve made?

7. Eat Slowly 

Studies have shown that eating your meals slowly makes you eat less. Generally, you don’t feel full until 20 minutes after you actually are full. This is why people get overstuffed. When you eat your food more slowly it will allow your body more time to signal to your brain that you are full.

8. Do Some Exercise 

This is another fundamental step if you want to lose weight for good. You’re not going to be able to easily lose 10 pounds though dietary habits alone. Exercise must become a part of your lifestyle. You don’t have to spend hours each day in the gym. Just find an exercise activity that you enjoy and can do on a regular basis.

9. Portion Control

You may be have trouble trying to lose 10 pounds even though you are eating in a healthy way because you are still eating too many calories. An easy way to cut down your portion sizes is to eat from a smaller plate. It will also trick your mind into thinking you are eating much more than you actually are.

10. Drink Less Alcohol 

Alcohol is very high in calories and is often consumed in large amounts because it’s liquid. It also makes you to feel hungrier, so you eat more. Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will slow down your alcohol consumption and help you to feel full.


Your objective to lose 10 pounds will leave you not only slimmer, but healthier and feeling better about yourself. But the problem with most diets is that they do not deliver all of the nutritional goodness that your body needs. They can also be difficult to maintain.

Take a hard look at your diet and workout plan as well as your calorie-tracking system to ensure everything is on the right track. Take advantage of apps like My Food Diary. This highly-acclaimed food database contains over 100,000 foods to improve your diet and the exercise log can calculate calories burned for over 700 activities to help you achieve your weight loss goal.

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